Welcome to LatitudeLongitude.us

Think Global. Code Local!

  • Get Latitude & Longitude information for all US zip codes
  • Get Latitudes & Longitudes for businesses by US state
  • Get Latitudes & Longitudes for businesses by city or metro area
  • Get National Latitudes & Longitudes for over 13 million US businesses
  • Contact Us for more Latitude and Longitude Databases

About LatitudeLongitude.us

LatitudeLongitude.US is a specialized suite of database products brought to you by YPC Data. This suite of databases is designed specifically for data companies and software developers looking to append their current business information with rich location based latitude and longitude data.

Location Based Applications (LBAs) are not only the way of sorting businesses, products and services for the future, but is already a big part of every consumer's way of life.  Whether navigating with a vehicles on board GPS system or shopping for the bust buy using hand held mobile devices, location based applications and search platforms are quickly becoming an industry standard for any modern online business directory.

Don't get left behind, get in the game today with our super affordable latitude and longitude database products that have been cleaned and appended for accuracy and reliability like no other in the industry.  Just try  to find a more cost effective way to add latitude and longitude information to your data.


What is Geocoding?

 Geocoding is the process of finding associated geographic coordinates (often expressed as latitude and longitude) from other geographic data, such as street addresses, or zip codes (postal codes). With geographic coordinates the features can be mapped and entered into Geographic Information Systems, or the coordinates can be embedded into media such as digital photographs via geotagging.


What are Location Based Apps?

 Location Based Apps (or LBAs) are applications that use Geocoded latitude longitude information to offer proximity based searches for a variety of location specific uses.


How Can I use Location Based Application Data?

 Our location based application databases can be used for a virety of reasons in almost any field. What kind of location based service you use is up to you, but here are a few ways others are using Location Based Application Databases to accomplish robust proximity based searches and provide tools useful at the local level.

Some examples of location-based services are: 

  • Recommending social events in a city
  • Requesting the nearest business or service, such as an ATM or restaurant
  • Turn by turn navigation to any address
  • Locating people on a map displayed on the mobile phone
  • Receiving alerts, such as notification of a sale on gas or warning of a traffic jam
  • Location-based mobile advertising
  • Asset recovery combined with active RF to find, for example, stolen assets in containers where GPS would not work
  • Games where your location is part of the game play, for example your movements during your day make your avatar move in the game or your position unlocks content.
  • Real-time Q&A revolving around restaurants, services, and other venues

Location-based services provide added value by enabling services such as:

  • Resource tracking with dynamic distribution. Taxis, service people, rental equipment, doctors, fleet scheduling.
  • Resource tracking. Objects without privacy controls, using passive sensors or RF tags, such as packages and train boxcars.
  • Finding someone or something. Person by skill (doctor), business directory, navigation, weather, traffic, room schedules, stolen phone, emergency calls.

LatitudeLongitude.us and YPC Data can help geocode your data and prepare you for developing location based applications utilizing our specialty latitude longitude databases. 

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